New (well, they're actually pretty old) Pictures!
John Holmes Gordon, Helen Johnstone Preston Gordon and Jean Hastie Gordon (Kresge)
Hello everyone! I just wanted to let everyone know that I'm in the process of scanning some of the photos we found last Christmas. They're still not organized 100%, but we're well on our way. I've switched all of the photos over to Picasa because I found out Flickr has a really small limit on photos and I already hit it! So, the link to the Picasa albums is on the right side of this blog...please let me know if it's not working. Right now they're all public, so you should be able to view them without any sort of password.
I'm not sure how to get rid of the "read more" link that's at the end of every post, so if there IS something to continue reading, I'll try to put an ellipsis (like this ... ) after the last word I write. So, if you don't see that, there's probably nothing else to read. :)
I've been listening to more of the interview tape and will have more to share soon!
I have an tree started, although it's gotten a little confusing and may not all be linked up properly. Right now there is a link to it on the right side of this blog, but you can't see living members of the tree without an invite, so if you'd like an invite for that just leave your email address here as a comment or email it to me.
Don't forget to send me any information you can share about YOU (and your immediate family members)...birthdays, colleges/graduations, military, middle names, etc...I'd love to include that with all of my other info! Thanks!!!!
Jean Hastie Gordon (Kresge), John Holmes Gordon, Jr.,
Helen Johnstone Preston Gordon, John Holmes Gordon
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